Taro Triumphs

Herein find described the various and varying meanings of the Triumph Cards (also known as the Major Arcana) of the Taro:


O – The Fool

Go-between betwixt worlds; Trickster; Joker; Riddles necessary to realization; Spirit unvested in mortal garb – conjunct upon the material for the sake of experience; Extrinsic to the other 21 Majors; The Joke of the Flesh – “This IS my costume;” Entranced by experience, IT forgets from whence IT came; “Only a fool looks at the finger which points at the moon;” Renewal; Open to possibility; Appreciation; Taking IT all in; Be aware of consequences; Innocence; Don’t take IT too seriously; No-mind; Freedom from knowledge; Clown as Metaphysician

I – The Magician

Seer; Shaman; Manipulator of the miraculous; Will and motivation attuned with cosmic and karmatic motion; Holds all the cards; Reveals reality through use of illusion – reveals illusion through use of reality; Spiritual education; Unprecedented process – NEW IDEAS; Ambassador of the earthly to the exalted – Medium of contact between the ephemeral and the extant; Concentration; Focus; Active Motion; Manifestation

II – The High Priestess

Keeper of Secrets – Fruit of the Spiritual Womb; Silence; Meditation; Knowledge beyond the interpersonal or scientific – eclipsing at once both reason and emotion; The Heart of the Matter; Intuition – Instinct; Initiation – Trial by Fire; Challenge of Honest Assessment; Last Leg of the Journey; Balance/Yin-Yang; The Doctor does NOT make house calls; The Mirror; Gateway to the Unconscious; Arbiter of Necessary Timing; Encompassing the Other

III – The Empress

Pastoral Comfort; Abundant Fertility; Generation in Action; Gaia The Earth Mother; Desire of tactile pleasure; Patience; Unconditional giving, growth, nurture – inexhaustible in supply; Luxury – Profusion to Excess; Gentleness; Auspicion; Personal/ Impersonal/Transpersonal

IIII – The Emperor

Control; Order (to a fault) – Fixity; Aggressive leadership; Practice of Hierarchy – Solid foundations and Defensive fortifications; Conscious Realization and Triumph over the Material World; The mating of ambition with tenacity gives birth to Work Ethic – do the best job you can with the right tools for the job; Strength of Character; Absolute Freedom constrained within Absolute Conscription

V – The High Priest

Signpost; Inspiration and invitation to spiritual exploration; Conscience; Mentor; Communication of spiritual insight fractated through cultural precedents; Pretension to influence through value of appearance; Spiritual integrity surrounded by trappings, raiments, and ambiance of spiritual materialism; Worldly roadblock to gnosis; Tradition; Exoteric orthodoxy; Self-discipline; Morals & Ethics; Roles & Structures; Organized grouping; Clemency

VI – The Lovers

Tolerance through duality; Blessings; Process of Congress; Love and ITs many aspects; Communication – contact; Freedom of Choice; Dilemma – decision; Transition of Individuation; Equality – Harmony – Coexistence; “Can’t we all just get along?”; Complement; Growth (Inner & Outer); Attraction/Union /Desire; The Human Drama; “To thine own self be true;” Dilection; Transcending duality; Division breeds decision; Civil war

VII – The Chariot

Victory; Triumph; Progress; Forward Thinking & Action; Preparation; Overcoming of Obstacles; Self-Reliance; Passage; Safe Conduct; Confidence; Motivation; Pomp/Glory /Recklessness; Response Ability; Cosmic Determination; Travel beyond duality; The Inner Journey; Non-dual Awareness; Co-Creation; Maverick Action; The Adept; The Vehicle

VIII – Justice

Balance; Integrity; Impartiality in Observation and Interaction; Karmic Predisposition; Tough Love; Stabilization; Equilibrium; Reason; Self-evidence; LAW: legal, ethical, physical, energetic; Adjustment; Adaptation; Inexorable consequence; Examination of Causality; Do The Right Thing; Sapience; Accountability; Redress

VIIII – The Hermit

Inner life; Introspection, Surrender – Spiritual practice in action; Self-maintenance; Choice of non-interaction; Regrouping – centering; Illumination; Circumspection; Thorough analysis; Isolation; Renunciation; Transcendence of distraction; Father Time; Guru; Enstasy; Detachment; Doing One’s Own Thing; Ascetic Purity

X – The Wheel Of Fortune

The cycle of samsara; Destiny/Free will; Chance; Change; Paying karmic dues – Reaping karmic rewards; The passage of time; Conjunction; Synchronicity; The Big Picture; Expect the unexpected; Impermanence; Speculation; Causality; Caprice; “Fortune favors the bold”

XI – Force

Felicity; Strength through Compassion; The Eternal surrounding The Temporal; “Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast;” “The Force will be with you…. always;” Working through Inner Conflict; “The pen is mightier than the sword;” Courage; Spiritual Warriorship; i-am-thou; Manifest Evolution; Perseverance; Courage of Convictions; Maturity; Consilience; Catalyst; Resolve; Mercy

XII – The Hanged Man

Upended and suspended between the sublimity of the heavens and the gravity of the terrestrial body, IT dangles; Awareness of the situation; Application of yoga as mitigation; The Paradox of Consciousness; Alteration of Perspective; Sacrifice of personal equilibrium; Clarity found in freedom from Usuality; View from The Threshold; Motionless Observation; Suspension; Inversion of Circumstance; Noblesse Oblige; Relinquishment of Ego; Response Inability; Staying the Course; Witness; Consensus reality

XIII – The Nameless

Inevitability; Transit; Endings/New Beginnings; Transformation – Perpetual movement; The Undiscover’d Country; Absorbtion – Renovation; Disintegration/Reintegration; Mystic Renaissance of Consciousness; The Great Equalizer; Release; Absolution; “I wear the chain I forged in life;” Don’t fear the reaper; Nothing lasts; Last Rites; Surrender; Acceptance

XIIII – Temperance

The Middle Path; The Dynamics of Contentment; Appreciating The Buffet; Open-Mindedness; Discernment – Deduction – Diagnosis; Admixture; Reconciliation; Synthesis; Proportion; Continence; Awareness of Boundaries, Reciprocity, Alchemy, Transubstantiation; Flexibility; Moderation; Rising From The Depths; Tolerance; Giving & Receiving; Forbearance; Inspiration; Combination; Modulation; Tepidity

XV – The Devil

Tunnel-vision; Self-indulgence; Self-interest; Obligation; Enforced servitude; Repressed or Unaddressed Trauma; Extremity; Obsession – Addiction; Destruction; The Self-imposed Shackles; The Power of The Dark Side; Predestination; Confrontation, Conflict – “War is Hell;” Primal, instinctual Desire; Exploration of The Shadow; Engrossment with Experience; Lack of Reflection; Subconscious; Chaos; Unchecked Aggression; Hunger; Panic; Restriction; Guilt; Consignment; Alias

XVI – The Tower

The illusion of Security rent asunder by the flash of Brilliant Clarity; Unforeseen Circumstance; Codependence; Dysfunction; “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley;” Release of Attachments; Ruin; Inconsolation; Opportunity Knocking; Falsity – Hubris; Breakthrough; Return to Nature; Egress; Entropy; Cataclysm; Apostasy; Karmic consequence; Retribution

XVII – The Star

Replenishment; Healing; Alignment; Accord; Cosmic Caretaking; Guidance; Getting one’s Bearings; The Essence of Life; “Hope springs eternal in the human breast;” Widening of Horizons; Visionary or Psychic Experience; Full Disclosure; Rejuvenation; Promise; The Naked Truth; Sustainability; Grace; Generosity

XVIII – The Moon

Imagination; Subconscious; Life down the rabbit hole; “We are such stuff as dreams are made on;” Illusion, Indirection; Involution; Vacillating dichotomy; Unseen influence; Lunacy; Instability; The non-rational; Periodicity; Obscuration; The veiled Realm of Shades; Surreality; Intuition; Feeling IT out; The Stranger; Reflection; Mystery; Secrets; Warning; Caution; Fantasy; Fear of the unknown; Potential; Nightwalking; Flux

XVIIII – The Sun

Radiance; Good life; Health; Longevity; Compassion; Charity; The unyielding force of growth; Joy; Cooperation; Sharing; Communality; Direction; Non-biased distribution; Exposure; Surplus; Consciousness/Attention/Creativity; Wholeness/Integration/Unity; Enlightenment/Luminescence/Encouragement; Galvanization; Vitality; Celebration; Co-creation; Redemption

XX – Judgement

Liberation through Universal Vibration; Paying the piper; Reserving Judgement; Acceptance of Roles; Reckoning; Renewal; Evolution past material limitation; Enforced movement; Forgiveness of the Past; Penultimacy; Catharsis; Revelation; Summons; Wake-up Call; Imminence; Clarion Call; Homunculus; Clairaudience; The Writing On The Wall

XXI – The World

Plenitude; Freedom of Expression; Multiplicity; Exuberance; Totality; Endless Variety; Samhadi; Microcosm/Macrocosm; Manifestation; Aspiration realized; “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven;” Natural Perfection – Wabi-sabi; Anima Mundi; Completion; Quintessence; Endurance; Life; Pleroma/Kenoma; Full Circle; Interconnectivity; Pageant; Circadian Rhythms; Eschaton; Magnum Opus

Published in: on 09/25/2012 at 8:06 AM  Leave a Comment  

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